In 2023, Delta 3 Engineering, Inc. partnered with the City of Mineral Point to provide its professional engineering services for the reconstruction of the City’s Historic Downtown Reconstruction Project. The Mineral Point Historic Downtown Reconstruction Project consisted of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and street lighting systems’ replacement and complete street and pedestrian way reconstruction. Construction started in April, 2023 and was completed in December, 2023. This project was funded in part with grant funds from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Safe Drinking Water Loan Program (SDWLP) and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP).
The Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association (WCPA) awarded the Project First Place in the WCPA Concrete Street (<30,000 SY) Category in 2023! The Project was also nominated for the National Award in the same Category.
The Project, the City of Mineral Point, Parisi Construction (the Project contractor), and Delta 3 Engineering, Inc. were also nominated for the National Award in the same Category through the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA)! The 35th Excellence in Paving Awards Banquet was held on Thursday, December 5th in Phoenix, Arizona hosted by ACPA. For over 30 years, this prestigious awards program has recognized the contractors, engineers, and project owners responsible for the country’s most outstanding concrete pavement projects. Members of Delta 3 Engineering, Inc. attended the banquet and was awarded the Gold Award for Excellence in Concrete Pavement for Municipal Streets & Intersections Projects constructed in 2023 (< 30,000 SY) in the entire U.S.A.!!
Bart Nies, P.E., Mark Digman, P.E., and Logan Hoppman, P.E. of Delta 3 Engineering, Inc. were present to accept the prestigious National Gold Award. The National Gold Award for this Project would not have been possible without the perseverance and diligence of the staff members of Delta 3 Engineering, the City of Mineral Point and its staff, and Parisi Construction. The teamwork, communication, and public outreach accomplishments resulted in the Project’s success.
Delta 3 Engineering is incredibly grateful and humbled by this achievement and recognition! We extend our appreciation to the Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association, City of Mineral Point, Mineral Point Chamber of Commerce, and all involved in this monumental Project for the City of Mineral Point!